Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
In league with the Devil
Thanks to a PR firm we've hired to promote an upcoming charity event that I'm in charge of, yours truly is now slated for a series of Public Service Announcements and interviews on local radio and TV affiliates over the next few weeks.
The first one is tomorrow morning. A live, call in radio show on a station that won't be named.
I don't mind doing these things, but I hate the fact that I'm pimping this event for a good cause on a radio station that broadcasts the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Anne Coulter and Sean Hammity.
Yeah. I have a not so clean feeling all of a sudden.
I am one of those icky a.m. radio listener types. I know the station of which you speak. I only listen when I'm in the car though. I know...I'm still dirty just for admitting this.
Ick. I have trouble sharing the same hemisphere with them.