Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
It's a Small, Small, World
So, anyone who reads this blog knows I am off to China this fall to visit my ex next door neighbor. She originally hails from a small village northeast of Dublin on the Irish Sea called Scaries Skerries.

Today, I noted that we had a patient in our clinic, whose address hails from Beijing. We get patients here from all over the world, so that in and of itself is not necessarily that unusual, but a return address from the PRRC usually indicates a Western ex pat. I introduced myself to her and discovered a decidedly non Asian woman perhaps my younger sister's age, and we had a lovely chat. They are here for follow up surgery on their little girl - an adorable 7 year old. Here's where the hairs on the back of your neck start to go up:

1. They flew here via Ireland where they were visiting their family on summer holiday.
2. They are from a small village in Ireland about 10 minutes from Skerries.
3. They only moved to Beijing in January and have been looking for English speaking friends - especially Irish ex pats.

So when I go to Beijing, I am now invited to dinner, and hopefully, as she put it - a "girl's night out", and I will endeavor to get these once Irish neighbors, who are now neighbors in Beijing, introduced to one another other at last.
posted by Broadsheet @ 3:36 PM  
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