Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
There's a reason people who manage a lot of people get paid well. IT SUCKS!

Ever since I got back on Monday morning, it has been one closed door session after another with personnel gripes, complaints, bad attitudes and sheer pettiness. If these people spent even 10% of the time they take to complain about everyone else to just do their own job, they'd be 50% more productive.

And with today's policies and procedures for everything from patient privacy to harrassment in the workplace, every conversation requires about an hour of documentation.

And last night - even the doctors got into the act. At our Faculty meeting (which went on, and on, and on....till 8:30 PM), they acted like a bunch of kindergartners.

There is a reason I don't have kids. I have 150+ of them at work!

I'm trying to put the finishing touches on 30 Power Point slides for a Strategic Planning meeting this Friday, and at this rate, I'll be up all night.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I'd like to be able to unpack from the trip and start to plan the cocktail party I agreed to host this Saturday for the new neighbors.


At least I have a three day spa trip to look forward to beginning on Sunday.
posted by Broadsheet @ 1:27 PM  
2 Editorial Opinions:
  • At February 22, 2007, Blogger tkkerouac said…

    Enjoy the spa
    I love your thumbnail

  • At March 26, 2007, Blogger Maktaaq said…

    Now that I am a supervisor, in addition to my creative duties, can I ever understand! I spend about 50% of my time trying to get the others to quit wasting theirs.

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