Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Crunch Time
OK, so about a month ago, I thought it would be a nice idea to host an open house cocktail buffet for all the new people that have moved into our neighborhood over the last few months. The first date I chose was a bad one for most people's schedules, so I just had the next door neighbors over for a casual supper that night, and we rescheduled the big party for this evening.


I haven't gotten home from work before 8:30 any evening this week, and last night was no exception. I hadn't touched my bags from the San Diego trip, nor set foot in a grocery store since I got back.

So, last night I managed to unpack, get some laundry done, and start RE-packing for the spa trip tomorrow.

For this evening, I'm making a white chicken chili with tomatillos, a REALLY spicy jalapeno chili with tons of beef and sausage that our family has affectionately dubbed "Circuit Breaker Chili", and then I'm going to turn the kitchen island into a make your own quesadilla bar, and put out tons of different fillings and the panini grill for people to grill up their own quesadillas. Oh, yeah, and margaritas at the bar. About 20 people - no problem. GULP.

I've been up since 6:00. The house is mostly organized and "tour proof". I went to the grocery store, and I've knocked off the white chicken chili which is simmering on the stove. I grabbed a shower, and now I'm about to start on the second batch of chili, and then chop up all the condiments, and make a batch of corn bread. With help from some neighbors who are making con queso and guacamole, a trip to the liquor store for refreshments, and some more cleaning, and I MIGHT just pull this off.

UPDATE 2:15: Both chilis are done, and the liquor is in the car. I need to run to the dry cleaner, chop all the quesadilla fillings, set up the bar, the buffet, tidy up my bedroom, clean the cat boxes, and finish laundry / packing. In less than five hours.

UPDATE 12:15: I was officially ready, and was applying lipstick when the first guest arrived at 6:47 PM. Everyone ELSE arrived at exactly 7:00. The last stragglers left at midnight. I had lovely help with with the leftovers, pots, pans, and glasses. All that could be frozen or given away - was.

A good time was had by all - as they say.

What the hell do I care? I'm on vacation for the next 3 days.......
posted by Broadsheet @ 9:58 AM  
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