Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Tragic Statistic
On the news just now, they were discussing the drop out rate for Baltimore City Schools. I was so shocked, I had to rewind Tivo to make sure I had heard this correctly.

For all students in Baltimore City Public schools who leave the system between grades 9-12, FORTY PERCENT drop out by age 15. For African American males, that number is SEVENTY FIVE PERCENT. 75% How utterly sad and depressing is that?

I'd fire myself if I had a 40% failure rate. What the heck is going on?
posted by Broadsheet @ 6:10 PM  
5 Editorial Opinions:
  • At February 14, 2006, Blogger tfg said…

    Age 15 is about 3 years shy of graduation age. I wonder how many drop out by 12th grade. Regardless, Balto. City Schools seem to be little more than daycare centers.

  • At February 15, 2006, Blogger Cham said…

    I doubt the schools are the guilty party. There are many excellent teachers in the Baltimore City School System. You have an entire culture in some neighborhoods that idolizes the fast profits of drug distribution and sales, doesn't relate education to success and by the time the kids are 14 they are pretty much raising themselves.

    Do the math.

  • At February 16, 2006, Blogger jwer said…

    I think it's less that some neighborhoods "idolize" the drug culture as much as it's that they, in fact, do the math; we all take it for granted that the process is go to school -> get good grades -> go to college -> get a good job -> buy a European car.

    If that process is neither respected nor encouraged, there's no choice between fast illegal money or slow crappy service job money. And the "scourge of kids raising themselves" is also only a problem when the kids in question don't have big allowances and a car at age 16 so they can go to the mall.

  • At February 19, 2006, Blogger epiphanyinbmore said…

    Did you know that Baltimore has the highest graduation rate for African Americans in the country (counting large urban cities)?

    There's a crisis in this entire country regarding education, particularly urban education. Baltimore's not the worst, and in fact has been improving.

    My BCPSS school graduates 99% and sends 90% to a 4-year college.

  • At February 19, 2006, Blogger Broadsheet said…

    tfg: The overall rate was 40% and 75% respectively - it's just that most drop out as soon as it's legal - at 15.

    cham and jwer: Sadly, I agree with you.

    ephiph: That is an even sadder statistic. But on the bright side - what are you doing so drastically different at your school? And why can't it be done everywhere?

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