Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Sunday, July 01, 2007
I have been stunningly, award winningly, unproductive today.
I blame the weather. It's too nice out to be productive.
It started with a glass of ice tea and a Caprese Salad out on the deck with the NYT crossword puzzle for lunch, and then devolved into stretching out on two patio chairs in the shade and reading a stack of magazines and the rest of a book I've been neglecting.
Laundry? nope Cleaning the house and getting it ready to host my entire family for our family reunion next weekend? not a chance The pile of personal paperwork and correspondence I've been successfully ignoring for nearly a month? not so much Grocery store, dry cleaner? meh I'll toss something together for dinner and recycle something out of the back of my closet tomorrow.
Oh look! The Buick Open Golf Tournament is on TV......
You were like the anti-me on Sunday. I'm trying some Broadsheet on me right now.... blanket + dog + laptop + wine. Yum.