Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Monday, January 01, 2007
A Perfect Day
Happy New Year everyone!! Hope you all had a great time last night, and start the first day of 2007 doing something you enjoy.

I know I did. I went to my old neighbors' new apartment for a party last night, and we enjoyed a terrific view of the fireworks at midnight from their hip, high rise perch. Luckily, the fireworks took place before the worst of the fog and drizzle descended, but we got good and damp walking home at 1:30 in the morning.

Since it stormed all night and was miserable this morning, since I got to bed late, and since the Tournament of Roses parade didn't start until 11:00, I saw no good reason to get out of bed until then. I read one of my Christmas books, surfed the internet on the laptop, and dozed.

New Year's Day seemed like a good excuse to make a nice brunch, and I had an odd assortment of leftovers from previous food related projects, so I made a goat cheese gouda souffle with tomato confit. In doing so, I managed to use up a few tablespoons of cream and sour cream, fresh thyme, eggs, goat cheese gouda, and the tomato confit left over from Holiday Gifts. Turned out REALLY well. Light, puffy and browned. That, good coffee, some bacon and the Parade = nice brunch for sure.

Now it's off to a long shower, watch the Wisconsin game, and completing my very first New Year's resolution: Cleaning and organizing the storage area in the basement. I made serious progress on Saturday by removing EVERYTHING, and throwing out a lot of old boxes, zip lock baggies with long forgotten nuts and bolts from old IKEA projects, organizing all the Christmas lights and decorations, and sorting through a lot of old electrical things like old phones (pitch), printer cables (pitch), etc. Gone are old cans of paint that had dried into lumps, or had separated so badly that there was no hope of remixing them. Today, I just have to put some things back neatly, and arrange for a bulk trash pickup for the stuff I'm throwing out before I can call it officially clean - but it feels GREAT to be organized!! After living here seven and a half years, it's amazing the crap you accumulate!

This evening, it's off across the street for a neighborhood dinner of pork and sauerkraut to celebrate the New Year.

Man - I DO NOT want to go back to work tomorrow!!
posted by Broadsheet @ 1:12 PM  
1 Editorial Opinions:
  • At January 01, 2007, Blogger Malnurtured Snay said…

    I know the feeling, Broadsheet - I've spent several hours this weekend putting my large bedroom (computer room/lego workroom) into order -- cleaning, throwing out, dusting. Fun. Photos tomorrow, if I feel motivated to find my camera.

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