Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Monday, September 18, 2006
Romanians and Neighbors
That pretty much sums up my weekend. On Saturday, my neighbor A., invited a bunch of young Romanian diplomats visiting the State Dept. to dinner. Since it was their first time to the U.S., she was determined to have a very American dinner party, and decided to have Thanksgiving in September. She cooked the turkey, and I helped to host by picking people up here and there, and making traditional side dishes. Anyway, the food was a hit, the Romanians were a very friendly bunch, and seemed very happy to be invited to a private home to meet Americans and get to know them. They also drink. A lot.

Sunday was our annual end of summer block party cookout. We cater the event with Pit Beef, ham and turkey, and everyone pitches in with side dishes and desserts. We hold it in the lovely little courtyard park adjacent to our homes, and for the six years we've been doing it, we've been blessed with terrific weather, and last night was no exception. We had to postpone it for a week in 2001 for 9/11, and again in 2003 for Hurricane Isabel, but whenever we have it - the weather is terrific. So are my neighbors. We have such a variety of people: Dutch, Russian, Bulgarian, Lithuanian, French...the conversation is always interesting. An even wider variety of occupations: diplomats, lawyers, engineers, doctors, an accomplished opera singer, architects, teachers, dancers, business people, retirees... I'm really lucky to have such interesting, wonderful people as friends and neighbors.

Oh, and in between shuttling Romanians, cooking, and helping out with the block party, I managed to buy new patio furniture on Saturday! It's being delivered on Friday. I hope the weather holds out for another few weeks to enjoy some fall cookouts.
posted by Broadsheet @ 10:36 AM  
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