Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Monday, August 28, 2006
They're Baaaaack!
Like the swallows returning to their nests in Capistrano every spring, the MICA students descended on Bolton Hill late last week. Driving to work on Thursday, I was suprised to see a cop at my intersection directing traffic before 8:00 AM. Then, I noticed the girl on the corner with a cardboard sign directing people to one of the various dorms, and quickly followed that with all the SUVs loaded to bursting with car top carriers, and little UHaul trailers double parked everywhere.
Perhaps the most distrubing thing about the whole event, is that the parents all looked like people I would hang out with since they were mostly my age.......
The rest of the weekend, the students roamed their new nieghborhood in little packs, attending orientation meetings and parties. One girl in particular seemed to be everywhere, but then again, she was kinda hard to miss. Tall, blond and plump, she wore army fatigue t-shirts and big heavy boots, but she also insisted on wearing a grey knit cap with kitten ears on it that tied under her chin, which just gave her the weirdest little girl lost look. She was annoying.
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