Tuesday, August 15, 2006 |
Oh Dear, What can the matter be? |
I got to thinking about this post after the last one - obviously. I was gonna post it as an addendum, but decided it needed its own post.
I had the great, enormous, extreme, valuable, and otherwise fateful experience of growing up in a household that loved music of all kinds. It wasn't a talent that we actively cultivated, collected, or otherwise projected on each other. We are a family of singers, performers, and exhibitionists (for better or worse - trust me) going back generations on my Dad's side.
Mom played a mean violin in her day, but her side of the family is simply overwhelmed with truly great and well known artists in the media realm: paint, sculpture, drawing, etc....
Ultimately, for the music side in our immediate family, we have one truly professional musician, a truly academic Ph.D. artist, a couple of wannabees, and some damn fine talented amateurs among us.
So.....What TF***** does all this have to do with a post about people losing their lives in a tragic toilet accident you may ask???
Well, these are the kind of songs I heard hanging around family campfires after all the adults thought we had gone to bed. |
posted by Broadsheet @ 9:52 PM |