Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
I Heart Bawlmore
If there is a better way to fall totally head over heels in love AGAIN with your adopted home town, than a beautiful evening sail with coworkers on a catered yacht, I don't know about it.

Last night was perhaps the single most glorious evening of the summer weather wise. A light breeze, low humidity, a little on the warm side, but not hot, and the light was just amazing. Sailing out along the skyline and looking at all the new growth in the East Harbor and Tide Point, and then going out by the ports that still provide Baltimore with its place of importance on the Eastern Seaboard, watching the herons and cormorants fishing along the shoreline...just beautiful.

I think everyone on the boat stopped and caught their breath as a group on two occasions: (1) sailing back towards the Inner Harbor just as the sun was setting in a glorious fireball, and seeing it literally glow behind Fort McHenry, you could almost hear the Star Bangled Banner playing in the background; and (2) as we were pulling into dock just before 9:00, everyone suddenly turned around, and off the back of the boat, rising up on the water, was the biggest, fullest, deep orange moon I think I have ever seen. It was HUGE.

I really, really regret not having my camera with me last night.
posted by Broadsheet @ 9:18 AM  
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