Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
If there is anything to set my biological clock to zero...
It would be this: Brazilian Woman gives birth to 14-pound girl.

Oh, that, and the fact that my best friend from college is still breast feeding, and her youngest is nearly three years old. AND she has four kids. AND (God willing according to her) she may have more.

I'm over FORTY people. You do the biological math.

I don't speculate on the "God Willing" bit, and honestly, she is one of my best, dearest, and oldest friends DESPITE the fact that, at our current places in life, we have completely different lifestyles, outlook's, religions, etc....

In fact, if we hadn't met in college/sorority and become such good friends, I would never have chosen her as a friend today because we are so different. Hell, we would never even have MET. That would have been a major loss to me, and I often wonder about people I SHOULD have met. Leave it to Chance and Karma I guess.

Anyway, she, her husband, and her family, would be an immeasurable loss to me if I didn't have them in my life.

I think about that every day, with every new person I meet.

Don't prejudge people. Even opposites attract.

And don't have kids past the age of 45 - whether you're the mother, OR the father.

posted by Broadsheet @ 11:53 PM  
1 Editorial Opinions:
  • At August 30, 2006, Blogger Zenchick said…

    I totally agree...well, mostly. My cousin adopted at 48 (and in that process, beginning alone, met her soul mate, who is also adopting her daughter).
    (you were in a *sorority*?! Oy.)

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