Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Secretary of Defense??
Donald Rumsfeld has recused himself from any government decisions regarding planning for a flu pandemic. The Secretary of DEFENSE - whose JOB it is to DEFEND the US, has technically said that: No, I'm not going to help our government plan for what may be one of the most serious threats to our nation in modern times. And he claims he's doing it on high ethical and moral grounds.

Why? Conflict of interest. Seems Rummy is a major stockholder and former Research Chairman for the Gilead Corporation. Makers of none other than Tamiflu, the only known drug to potentially be effective against the flu.

Funny thing is, the Pentagon is one of the world's largest consumers of Tamiflu to the tune of $58 million to keep our troops safe.

Rumsfeld doesn't see a conflict of interest in his conflict of interest? He holds anywhere from $5 - $25 million worth of Gilead stock, sure to increase, and yet, instead of doing his JOB by defending the country, he excuses himself and sits back to reap the rewards.

I don't know how this guy sleeps at night.
posted by Broadsheet @ 8:48 AM  
4 Editorial Opinions:
  • At November 03, 2005, Blogger acw said…

    He sleeps on piles of cash. Huge piles of guilty, bloody cash.

  • At November 03, 2005, Blogger Broadsheet said…

    Neckbone - He can absolutely win, and look like the good guy doing it. He needs to divest himself of all of his Gilead stock and make a clean break. Same goes for Frist and his HCA interests. Blind Trust my ass.

    Yes, I'm sure DOD was buying Tamiflu before he was SOD.

  • At November 03, 2005, Blogger tfg said…

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  • At November 03, 2005, Blogger tfg said…

    He could also win by using his influence to force Gilead to temporarily increase Tamiflu production. Of course, there is nothing like an artificially created shortage, in the face of rising demand, to generate mammoth profits. Hmmm...I think we've already seen this movie.

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