Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Monday, October 31, 2005
Silent Cereal Killer
That's me.
That's what I was today.
In a last minute effort to come up with a costume that the kids in our office / clinic would relate to, and one in which I would be comfortable...I created "Silent Cereal Killer".
Oh - the "Silent" part designates my complete lack of vocalization today. My chest cold is waning, but it has taken my voice with it. No pain, no discomfort, but I can only whisper and squeak basic monosyllabic squeaky responses.
Anyway...the "Cereal" part represents the "Count Chocula" cereal box which I subsequently stuck full of plastic knives, applied fake blood (from the Friday scarecrow competition in our Dept.), and attached askew to my lanyard.
I dressed up as a disgruntled pizza delivery guy.