Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Saturday, October 29, 2005
In Starring Roles
My neighbor, Kathy Cahill, has a terrfic article in Sunday's Washington Post Real Estate section on the recent starring role that Bolton Hill played in the Nicole Kidman movie.

My neighbor and friend Valerie gets a mention too:

Valerie Olson's 1850s farmhouse fronts the corner of Lanvale and Bolton streets (or "31st and P") and will likely show up in the several scenes that were shot just beyond her fence, such as the one where the small boy trick-or-treating is bitten by a dog and falls right where Valerie usually puts out her trash. But she's sure there won't be any uptick in the house's prestige or value once it hits the multiplex: "Tennessee Williams ate dinner here in my dining room, and that hasn't added to the value either," she said.
The tree version of the article has some great photos of the street and set dressing.

As promised from last week, here are a few photos of the set:


"Bolton and Lanvale" becomes "P NW and 31 NW".


Our street gets visited by "The Visiting"!


Nicole Kidman was here.....


Just some of the set decorations. I think every mum in Baltimore was on the street that week.
posted by Broadsheet @ 2:34 PM  
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