Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Canadian Blog Scandal
Yes, I realize that the term "Canadian Scandal" is actually an oxymoron. I mean, when was the last time you heard anything even remotely scandalous about Canada?

Well, for one reason, if a trial gets sensitive, they lock down their media and issue a publications ban to ensure a fair trial. A media blackout. Quebec advertising executive Jean Brault is facing six counts of fraud relating to the way his agency handled five federal contracts. Mr. Justice John Gomery imposed a publication ban to ensure a fair trial for those facing criminal charges related to the scandal.

That is, until the the bloggers got involved. It's one thing to ban Canadian based media outlets and bloggers from publishing - fines can be levied, charges can be filed, etc., but Americans can blog all they want about it with impunity - and they have been.

Conservative deputy leader Peter MacKay even suggested yesterday that the testimony, which is under a publication ban, could lead to criminal charges against senior party Liberals.

"I have no doubt in my mind that more charges could be laid," Mr. MacKay said yesterday.

"If this thing breaks loose, the ripples on the water could be felt right up to the highest levels of this government, and then it begs the question, are they going to pull the pin themselves or orchestrate their own demise to avoid all of this coming out? This goes to the No. 1 issue, which I think is going to be the defining issue in the next election, that's ethics."
Apparently, people are talking about it, and relating trial testimony to one another in e-mail and it's making it's way to US bloggers - who are simply doing what bloggers do best - publish.

Slate had a good article on this today as well.

Canadian Scandal - heh. It even sounds funny.
posted by Broadsheet @ 9:40 PM  
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