Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Bagpipers in Baltimore
Whatever did we do before the Internet? More specificaly - what did we do before Google?

I am co-hosting a going away party this weekend for one of my dearest friends and a neighborhood icon. She's my "Baltimore Mom". I bought my house from her daughter and her husband almost nine years ago, and she has been one of my closest friends ever since. Despite our age difference (she's in her mid 70's), I view and treat her as a friend, and I will miss her terribly.

I couldn't possibly fit the number of people (> 60) that want to pay their respects to her at a party in my house, so another neighbor with more real estate offered their home for the event, and I'm handling the invitations, catering, and entertainment.....

Because we wanted to include all of the people that are important to Baltimore Mom, we had to let her in on the secret to get the invitation list right. During this process, she hinted to multiple people that she would like a Bagpiper at her party to see her out of Bolton Hill (she's Irish - go figure).

Where in the heck would I find such a thing a week from the event?? So that's how I got to my impromptu Google search of: "Bagpipers in Baltimore"

Who knew? I had a full page of Bagpipers in Baltimore ready to hire for any event and occasion, and after a few phone calls - voila!

We have a Bagpiper arriving as a surprise guest to see her out of Bolton Hill with her favorite Irish Ballads.

My work here is done.
posted by Broadsheet @ 8:33 PM  
1 Editorial Opinions:
  • At June 06, 2008, Blogger Alex said…

    Before Google, you'd have to talk to your guy who knew a guy. Nowadays, Google is leaving many guys unemployed.

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