Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Board Bored
I usually have one or two weeknight commitments a week for various business, community, charity, or neighborhood meetings / events. Could be anything from a committee meeting, a monthly Board meeting, or a cultural event. That's nice - keeps me busy.

What I can't understand is why it all gets so out of hand at times. I mean, I have THREE Board "Retreats" this week alone. Must be Spring.

Tuesday, we had an all day "Retreat" for Sr. Execs at work regarding "Dealing with Change", and having "Crucial Conversations" - otherwise known as the "honey we need to talk" conversations. That was fun. FOR EIGHT HOURS.

Honey, we need to talk.

I actually had to skip the carrot at the end of the day (i.e. a small cocktail reception with my CEO and VP), to rush home and attend a FOUR HOUR "Strategic Visioning Retreat" for my community association Board. Yes, 6:00 - 10:00 on a weeknight. Pizza, cookies, soft drinks and a few crazies (oh, excuse me. In my neighborhood, they are called "eccentric"). Determinedly so, I must say.

This weekend, it is a Spring Board Retreat for the League of Women Voters for six hours on a Saturday. This is an organization I am passionate about, but when it comes to meetings, I just wish I wasn't the only member there with a menstrual cycle. We need to work on targeting younger members for recruitment.....

Meetings R' Us.
posted by Broadsheet @ 8:06 PM  
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