Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Sunday, November 05, 2006
I'd give it 3 stars......
I should just take a leave of absence and write restaurant reviews for the month of October. In the last 10 days, I have been to the following Baltimore and Washington establishments:
'b' in Bolton Hill. My homey hangout. Great atmosphere, nice wine list, always consistent.
IXIA. This was pretty intense. It was part of a museum exhibit / wine tasting night with a special menu. Wonderful beyond all expectations. Highly recommend.
Beers at the Wharf Rat, followed by a home bound feast of serious antipasto, cheese, crackers, and wine from Wegman's.
Korean food with the girls at Nak Won. Definitely a place to go with four or more people to share a grill table and all the wonderful side dishes.
The Wine Market. Urbane, sophisticated, great space, great food.
Pazo. Cool, hip, chic. The place to see and be seen and a great place for out of town guests (of which I have many lately!).
The Fish Market. Old Town Alexandria, VA and one of the best brunches ever.
I have friends arriving on Wednesday for the American Wine Society meeting taking place in Hunt Valley this weekend (11/8 - 12). A semi-professional gathering of wine producers, restaurant owners, and wine lovers, it promises to be another very long week/weekend....
How did Polock Johnny's escape your list?