Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Monday, June 12, 2006
2 Insurgents Killed inside the Green Zone
Highly trained American operatives worked hard over the weekend to gather intelligence and locate the safe houses of the rodent insurgency. American lead forces also deployed strong diversionary tactics to confuse the enemy and cause it to seek shelter in adjacent territories by power washing the deck and mowing the Green Zone on Sunday.

Not certain that these diversion tactics had eradicated the insurgents, or caused them to flee permanently, high impact Tomcat Forces were then placed in areas determined to be well traveled by the insurgency throughout the Green Zone and along it's borders with neighboring territories, and set to detonate with deadly force. Tomcat forces were also baited with a strong, irresistible new weapons agent found to be highly effective in tempting both the insurgents, and ironically, the insurgent's deadliest enemy.

Patience was rewarded this afternoon when two insurgents met a swift, certain, and untimely death at the hands of American troops. These insurgents are just a small representation of the strength of the total enemy forces and the untold numbers that exist in hiding. These were also foot soldiers, just children really, with the masterminds of the insurgence still to be eradicated.

Intelligence has shown us where they hide out. Now it is just a matter of time before we wipe out the entire rodent insurgent nest.

As demonstrated below, Generals Peanut and Pumpkin have been helping strategize these attacks, and have shown great interest in helping the American troops fight this battle.

posted by Broadsheet @ 8:37 PM  
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