Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Home Alone Together
Finally! A lifestyle choice I've been embracing and advocating my whole life gets some attention. . Guess I'm ahead of the times.....
"In many cases Baby Boomers want to have the freedom to live on their own terms," said the author Gail Sheehy, whose latest book is "Sex and the Seasoned Woman" (Random House). "As you age, you have more commitments and possessions in your life that you are attached to that the other person may not want to share."
posted by Broadsheet @ 11:27 AM  
7 Editorial Opinions:
  • At May 04, 2006, Blogger Unknown said…

    still, i cannot believe the editors allowed the author to site the woody allan/mia farrow relationship as a successful example of such an arrangement.

  • At May 04, 2006, Blogger Broadsheet said…

    Yeah - the role model is the Hepburn / Tracy relationship. Hell, even Oprah gets props for this lifestyle.

  • At May 04, 2006, Blogger tfg said…

    If you are a guy and embrace this lifestyle, all you hear is that you have a fear of commitment. I've actually had someone tell me that your not a "real man" unless you are married w/ children.

    BTW, I didn't read the entire article about "Sex and the Seasoned Woman." Do they make any recommendations, like basil vs. paprika?

  • At May 04, 2006, Blogger Broadsheet said…

    tfg: Trust me, it's just as bad or worse for a woman. And I can't speak for other seasoned women, but I prefer cayenne my good man. Moi caliente!

  • At May 04, 2006, Blogger Cham said…

    tfg, you so silly. Try being an unmarried childless woman and see the comments you get from complete strangers.

    Are we supposed to be using seasoning?

  • At May 04, 2006, Blogger Malnurtured Snay said…

    Can I be in a committed, unmarried relationship with plastic bricks, or would that be considered "strange"?

  • At May 05, 2006, Blogger Broadsheet said…

    Snay: That's a rhetorical question.

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