Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Friday, March 31, 2006
Welcome to Angie's List
A colleague at work turned me on to this. It's the Zagat's guide to home improvement. Check it out and sign up while it's still free! Angie's List: The Best Source for Local Home Improvement Contractors!
posted by Broadsheet @ 3:16 PM  
6 Editorial Opinions:
  • At March 31, 2006, Blogger tfg said…

    Excellent. Considering I just paid some guy $1850 to run 3 pieces of pipe less than 20 feet, I will have to check this out.

  • At March 31, 2006, Blogger Broadsheet said…

    Yeah - considering that the asshat that stood me up yesterday, rescheduled for this afternoon, confirmed the appointment twice and STILL STOOD ME UP!!!

  • At March 31, 2006, Blogger Double Dogged said…

    Thanks for the heads up. I just joined and checked out my own business. Got an "A" rating by my customer. That makes me feel good.

    I have a friend that was ripped off by a home improvement company. He didn't finish the work he contracted for and ran off with more that $25,000. I know she shouldn't have paid that much up front, but the MHIC had him listed and she thought that was good. Come to find out the MHIC doesn't have much they can do for the home owner. She did recoup about $5000 through them.

    This jerk had a record of doing this same thing in Florida. The MHIC never knew anything about it. She hired a private detective to find him and did. She might not get her money back, but he is going to serve some time in jail.

    I mailed the link from Angie's List to her. This will keep her busy for awhile.

  • At March 31, 2006, Blogger Broadsheet said…

    Double D: Darlin - exactly what's your business hon? Cause I SWEAR eff'n I have to start my own business over this, I will. Your publicity is now my favorite game.

  • At April 01, 2006, Blogger Double Dogged said…

    I do furniture Refinishing and Stripping. We do Lead paint removal on just about anything. No Upolstery. I am semi retired, my one daughter and son in law will be taking over the business. He has been with me for over 13 years. The name is The Towne Stripper and located on Harford Rd. in Carney / Parkville at the beltway.

  • At April 01, 2006, Blogger Double Dogged said…

    Opps, the word is Upholstery not upolstery. Sorry about that!

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