Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
International Women's Day
I was too busy managing a couple hundred employees, and making up for missing a day of work for jury duty yesterday, to properly recognize International Women's Day today.

Neither of these things were activities which I would have ever been able to enjoy or even experience, had it not been for the Women's Right's movement, Women's Suffrage, etc... Or simply for all the strong women who went before me.

To all of these women, and to all the incredibly brave women around the world for whom everyday is still a very real struggle, today is a day of quiet protest. Today is especially important to those women who live in societies that condone or enforce abuse, violence, intolerance, and cruelty in their every day life. We are your sisters in this day, and always.

Please use today, and everyday, to make a difference for women everywhere, especially the women in your life. We are everyone and everywhere. We are your grandmother, mother, sister, aunt, cousin, neighbor, or coworker. All the women that inspire you, and all the strong women in your life that enrich you.

We've come a long way baby - but we have a long way to go.

SO: Donate. Act. Speak out. Support your women with money, time, or activism. But please don't lose this day in the depth of all the other worthy causes out there right now.

And by all means - do not EVER, EVER go to South Dakota
posted by Broadsheet @ 10:12 PM  
3 Editorial Opinions:
  • At March 09, 2006, Blogger acw said…

    Woo hoo! Right on! Now can you get in the kitchen and make me a sandwich?

  • At March 09, 2006, Blogger Broadsheet said…

    I'd hate to make ACWF jealous. Besides, she can kick your ass and you know it (and I suspect you like it too!) :-)

  • At March 09, 2006, Blogger Malnurtured Snay said…

    ... or Tennessee. Did you see that legislation? Although I do understand that's a bit more common in some states (no abortion without the consent of the father).

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