Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
And we find the defendant.....
Guess I'll never know. They tossed me back. The quiet room was packed, so now I'm stuck on the second and a half floor of the courthouse in a waiting room crammed in under the rafters with about 250 people watching "Hitch". This is one of the longest days of my life.....
The case I was sent to was an Appeals case for a Worker's Comp. claim by a metermaid who was appealing a denial of a back injury claim against the Mayor's office. Interestingly, they ultimately chose 6 women (3 black, 3 white) and one black alternate male juror. I have no idea why they didn't choose me, but I'm certainly happy to be a reject in this case. Could have simply been a numbers game.
Why they are keeping us at 2:45, when we are supposed to be dismissed at 4:30 is beyond me.
And in other news - I slept like a ROCK on the new mattress last night. Best $$$ I ever spent. I may have to get cable in the bedroom......