Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
An Open Letter to BGE
Dear BGE -

Thank you once again for shutting down my electricity last night at about 10:30 PM. I was really looking forward to going to bed at a decent hour and getting a good night's sleep, and without power - there was no good reason to stay up late watching TV or surfing.

Thanks also for sending such a LARGE repair truck so quickly to the back alleyway. With the windows open to get some cool air in the bedroom, since the ceiling fan and AC were out, it was lovely to hear the roar of the generators and all the workmen yelling. Oh, and the LIGHTS! The lights were the best part! Up on huge poles like a mother ship beaming death rays into my bedroom window as I tried to get some sleep at midnight.

But truly, the thing I have to thank you for the most is the constant beeping of the truck, which sounded like it was backing up and down the alley all night. It was parked. Why must it beep so?

Mostly, thank you for finally turning my electricity back on at 5:30 AM this morning, which is when my alarm was set to go off had there actually been power, I was afraid I might oversleep otherwise.

No matter - I WAS ALREADY UP!!!!

I love coming to work on less than 3 hours sleep. Love it, I tell you.
posted by Broadsheet @ 9:40 AM  
4 Editorial Opinions:
  • At September 06, 2006, Blogger Malnurtured Snay said…

    You forgot to thank them for the raising rates, too.

  • At September 06, 2006, Blogger Broadsheet said…

    Well, here's the thing. BGE only supplies my juice. I buy it from Washington Gas and Electric now. They guaranteed 10% off whatever BGE rate would be.

    My first bill from them was for $0 because they applied the credit balance from my BGE budget billing.

    The second bill was for $47. That's 1/3 LESS than BGE billed me!

  • At September 06, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Smart shopper. I got my credit from BGE and it covered the month of September. I don't owe them anything until October 24.


  • At September 07, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    While my heart goes out to you,really it DOES!, this had me, as my younger friends would put it, ROFL.

    Have an early night to night sugar and be all gawjiss on Saturday.

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