Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Not Getting My Vote
Dear Barbara Robinson,

A sure fire way to ensure that I WILL NOT vote for you as Delegate to the House of Representatives in District 40, is to let your volunteers litter my entire neighborhood (zip code 21217) with unwanted flyers stuck in our windshields in direct violation of the City's new ban on flyers and circulars:

ENVIRONMENTAL CITATION UNDER CITY CODE ARTICLE 1, SUBTITLE 40: The ban is Legislative File Number 05-0082 (version 0) It reads in part...***...A person [shall] MAY not [place or] affix OR PLACE [an] ANY advertising circular, notice, or other printed item: ... (1) IN OR on any [motor] vehicle in the City, [of Baltimore without] EXCEPT WITH THE EXPRESS permission of the [motor vehicle] owner or operator OF THE VEHICLE; OR ... (2) IN OR ON ANY RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY IN THE CITY (WHETHER IN OR ON A FENCE, RAILING, DOOR, PORCH, LAWN, SIDEWALK, OR OTHERWISE), EXCEPT WITH THE EXPRESS PERMISSION OF THE OWNER OR OCCUPANT OF THAT PROPERTY. ...***... § 1-3. ENFORCEMENT BY CITATION. (A) IN ADDITION TO ANY OTHER CIVIL OR CRIMINAL REMEDY OR ENFORCEMENT PROCEDURE, THIS SUBTITLE MAY BE ENFORCED BY ISSUANCE OF: ... (1) AN ENVIRONMENTAL CITATION UNDER CITY CODE ARTICLE 1, SUBTITLE 40 {"ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL BOARD"}; OR ... (2) A CIVIL CITATION UNDER CITY CODE ARTICLE 1, SUBTITLE 41 {"CIVIL CITATIONS"}. ... (B) THE ISSUANCE OF A CITATION TO ENFORCE THIS SUBTITLE DOES NOT PRECLUDE PURSUING ANY OTHER CIVIL OR CRIMINAL REMEDY OR ENFORCEMENT ACTION AUTHORIZED BY LAW....***...§ 1-4. Penalties. ...(A) Any person who violates a provision of this subtitle is guilty of a misdemeanor and, [upon] ON conviction, is subject to a fine of not [less than $10 nor] more than [$50] $100 for each [separate] offense.... (B) EACH CIRCULAR AFFIXED OR PLACED IN VIOLATION OF THIS SUBTITLE CONSTITUTES A SEPARATE OFFENSE.

This incident has been reported to the City's Environmental Control Board.

In other news, your website has not been updated in more than 3 years. You might want to do something about that. Seeing as how you are trying to run a campaign. Or not.
posted by Broadsheet @ 3:01 PM  
1 Editorial Opinions:
  • At July 26, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Broadsheet, first-time commenter (found you via Mal Snay's blog). I received that flyer, too and wondered about the new law. Unfortunately, I'm not sure she can't do that as...

    “Advertising circular” means any printed or written circular, notice, or other item the
    predominate purpose of which is:
    (1) to advertise one or more products, services, or other things for sale, lease, or trade;
    (2) to direct attention to one or more businesses, commodities, services, events, or other
    activities for which a fee is charged or solicited; or
    (3) otherwise to promote activity of a business or commercial nature.

    Coincidentally, this person who was supposed to be my new roommate and then stopped returning my calls before she was to sign the lease was getting a job with one of Robinson's companies. Maybe I won't vote for her for that reason, too.

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