Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Friday, June 16, 2006
Family Fun
I'm live blogging from a secret location near the Pentagon. Seriously.

I'm at a healthcare conference in DC (literally next to the Pentagon) and we're having a lunch break. Hi!

I've been up since 5:00, and didn't get to bed till after midnight last night, and still have a 5 hour drive ahead of me this afternoon. I'm going home for a few days. You see, the planets seem to have mysteriously aligned in about as rare a formation as you get, and in addition to Father's Day this weekend, we're celebrating my parent's 45th wedding anniversary, my father's retirement (we had to throw a party to make the retirement stick), and my Mom's B-day (no worries Mom, I won't tell the internets your age.)

So....pretty much everyone I've ever known or been related to in my life will be in Butler, PA this weekend for a big 'ol party. Should be tons of fun, and the weather looks to be gorgeous.

Right now, all I can think about is the swim I'll get to have this evening out under the stars.

To make sure I stay awake on the trip home, in addition to copious amounts of Starbuck's, I loaded 9 hours of music on the iPod and will be trying out my new toy on the way home. It's especially helpful as you drive north on 220 up by Altoona, where for a stretch of about an hour, the only radio stations are country and gospel, or worse, gospel country.

And, since everyone I've ever known is sticking around for the weekend, I'm not coming back till Tuesday night. If time permits, perhaps some photos from beautiful, bucolic, Butler, PA later.....
posted by Broadsheet @ 11:27 AM  
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