Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Thursday, June 15, 2006
2 Trapped in Bunker After Volcano's Eruption
I'm not sure who deserves the Darwin award for this more. The stupid tourists who got too close to an active volcano? Or the municipal government that enabled this act of stupidity by providing volcano shelters??
Officials said they were probably domestic tourists who were seeking thrills on the slopes of an erupting volcano.

Concrete bunkers dot the slopes of the mountain and are stocked with oxygen tanks and water. People trapped in the bunkers, officials said, can survive for up to three days or more, depending on how many people are inside.

All the local villagers on the southern slopes of the mountain have been accounted for and evacuated.
Of course the locals survived. They know what it means to live this close to an active volcano, but stupid ass tourists? Instead of letting nature take its course and frying these asshats in their tracks, the government will put more lives in jeopardy and spend thousands of dollars and man hours trying to dig these idiots out from under 14 feet of barely molten lava!!

UPDATE: Sadly, the outcome of this story is predictable. Note to self: A concrete bunker is not likely to be adequate protection against molten lava.
posted by Broadsheet @ 3:07 PM  
1 Editorial Opinions:
  • At June 26, 2006, Blogger doggerelblogger said…

    Mmm. I think that bunker should be more accurately called an "oven".

    I won't tell J about this story - he's still quite mad for volcanos, but scared also. Therefore we told him that scientists can predict eruptions so no one gets hurt any more.

    That would appear to be a lie.

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