Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Saturday, May 20, 2006
The Flying Nun - No Really!
Well, despite Snay's dire predictions, I made it to Phoenix on time and intact, but it was more than a little weird getting here. I think someone is trying to tell me something....and it gets weirder after I arrive.

I was running around like crazy last night trying to pack for business and vacation, and making sure the house was reasonably clean for the neighbors/pet sitters, etc.... I didn't remember to print out my Boarding Pass before I went to bed. So, despite the fact that I was up at 5:30 for an 8:30 flight, thanks to the festival seating democracy better known as Southwest Air, I was class "C", otherwise known as a middle seat loser, on a FIVE hour flight. Great. So far, so good.

Sure enough, as I board the plane, they are telling us it's a full flight and to play musical chairs and sit the @#@$#$% down in the first available seat so we could get on with it.

Just as the musical ditty for the chairs ended, I saw a row with 2 women in it and excused myself into the middle seat. My seatmates were NUNS. Not just any nuns mind you, but novitiate, 21 year old, newly minted Brides of Christ off to their Honeymoon with JC at a cloister in Sacremento. Full on nun habits to boot. Black whipples, white cowls and scapulas, and I'm sure they were probably wearing sackcloth versions of Victoria's Secret underwear. They were both completely wholesome, fresh scrubbed, freckled, and clueless. They were also nice. Really, really, annoyingly NICE.

Facing a 5 hour flight, I had come prepared with 3 months worth of back issues of Vanity Fair (the ads alone would damn me to hell as a pornographer), and the poolside book I am devouring, but which sadly stayed in my bag during the flight for obvious reasons.

These were lovely young women, but their innocence, blind faith, and serenity were downright creepy, and I kept thinking of ways to perform a cult intervention / deprogramming before the plane landed. Seriously, if they hadn't been wearing habits, they sounded totally like cult members.

Longest five hour flight - E V E R.

On the upside, the resort is beyond amazing, and I managed to take a long walk in 95 degree heat, go for a swim, have a nice lunch, get a massage and pedicure, and now I'm going to bed because I've been up since 2:30 in the morning desert time, and it's almost 11:00 PM my time.

One last little sign of "messages"? I'm laying on a chaise by the pool, enjoying the constant hovering of a cute pool boy who brings me lovely ice teas, when I look above me into the palm trees lining the pool and see the largest Great Horned Owl I have ever seen just sitting above me and staring right at me. I got a picture of him on my cell phone, but haven't been able to forward it to a server to load the photo. Stay tuned.

I actually have to work tomorrow. I won't bother anyone with conference blogging unless the owl tells me to.
posted by Broadsheet @ 10:28 PM  
7 Editorial Opinions:
  • At May 21, 2006, Blogger Zenchick said…

    "novitiate, 21 year old, newly minted Brides of Christ off to their Honeymoon with JC at a cloister in Sacremento. "
    Have a fabulous time.

  • At May 21, 2006, Blogger tfg said…

    Party on.

  • At May 21, 2006, Blogger Double Dogged said…

    What do you mean that you have to work! You know what that Owl would say, "Who Me".

    Enjoy your time there, as time flies when your having fun.

  • At May 21, 2006, Blogger jennetic said…

    Hmm. I'd consider those five hours of flying while seated between flying nuns as "squeaky clean time"- you know, I'd at least double it 10 hours, cuz I'm sure it felt more like 10 hours.

    So now you've got at least 10 hours to make up of Hedonist time during your time at the resort/vacation. You can't have all that accumulated squeaky clean time from the nuns hanging over you. The universe loves balance! Get to hedonisting!

  • At May 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    What, and you couldn't convince either of them that your middle seat could be a latter-day form of penitance?!?

    He [or she] that is C shall be A, as the good book say.

    Regards to Matt Leinart, and . . .

    Rock on,
    Gurkha T.

  • At May 22, 2006, Blogger Broadsheet said…

    zenny: I'm glad to amuse you with my Catholic guilt.
    tfg: no worries
    DD: Thanks - I'm off to do a 5K walk this morning before the conference gets under way.
    Jennetic: I can sell that! Kind of like buying time out of purgatory.
    Gurkha T: No signs of Matt, but the NFL Referees Association is also having their convention here, so there are lots of big, beefy testosterone laden men running around. Me likey.

  • At May 23, 2006, Blogger doggerelblogger said…

    Hmmm. Owls and nuns. Owls and penguins... obviously there's some sort of bird theme here. I wonder what these symbolize? Owls mean wisdom, penguins... all I can think of is killer whale fodder. Sorry.

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