Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Mulligan Day
Can I get a do over? I am a walking disaster this morning:

1. Putting on my makeup in a hurry as usual - a huge glob of mascara lands in the corner of my eye. Instead of dabbing it off, I manage to wipe it into a big, black schmear all over the place. Wash face and start all over.

2. Grab a pair of navy blue trouser socks. Yank them on, and get to work, only to discover that (a) I have a big run in one of them, and the other one has no elastic of any use left in the band which is giving me a really ugly case of granny ankles. You know, the little old ladies in the grocery store with their knee highs in a bunch on their ankles? Yeah - that would be me. Oh, so attractive.

3. See #1. I forgot to put lipstick on in my rush to get out the door after the mascara debacle. Luckily, I keep a small makeup bag in my desk drawer at work for touch ups. Grab the lipstick, and manage to slip while applying it, giving me Joker lips which took another trip to the restroom and half washing my face - AGAIN - to remove. It's still a little reddish plum colored.

Never should have gotten out of bed this morning.
posted by Broadsheet @ 8:50 AM  
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