Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Saturday, April 29, 2006
The Bosnia-Atlantis Connection is broken
If, like me, you saw the feature on the news last night regarding heretofor undiscovered pyramids in Bosnia, and thought - WOW - I am about to burst your bubble.

The purported "archeologist" who is claiming this "discovery" is a total whack job. See for yourself.
A self-described archaeologist, who believes the Maya and others are descended from Atlanteans who came from the Pleiades, has been accepted as a legitimate researcher by many news outlets. His ideas of early pyramids in Bosnia, which is simply not possible, has been accepted as a major discovery. How could this happen?

If you want to categorize this farce, it seems a standard-issue "amateur/maverick confounds establishment with great discovery" story, which no doubt makes it appealing to uncritical reporters looking for a big story. This kind of tale is a staple of the pseudoarchaeology or fantastic archaeology genre. And the term "pyramidiot" has been applied to those obsessed with pyramids and who offer strange interpretations of them on websites and in books and televsion programs.
I'm vaguely dissapointed - it seemed pretty cool at the time.
posted by Broadsheet @ 8:39 AM  
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