Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Monday, January 30, 2006
Slow Motion
I think jennetic was on to something when she posted about having a sleep hangover the other day.

I had a great, quiet weekend. Putzed around the house, worked on the blog, talked on the phone to friends, went for a swim, read, watched a movie or three, ate reasonably healthy, drank a lot of tea and mineral water, organized the clutter on my desk, got some correspondence completed, did load after load of laundry, and started to gather the info necessary to do my taxes. All good right?

Then last night, after I put fresh sheets on the bed, I took a bath. I am not, by nature, a bather. I am a shower person. But about 4 times a year, I get a hankering for a good, old fashioned, soak in the tub. So I did. Candles, bubbles, the works. I defoliated, exfoliated, and relaxed to within an inch of my life. I was so smooth afterwards, I nearly slid off the sheets. I was also so relaxed that I fell asleep before Gray's Anatomy was over (thank you Tivo!). So I so exhausted this morning? I feel about as foggy as the day outside. Maybe it's a delayed reaction.

More coffee.......
posted by Broadsheet @ 8:41 AM  
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