Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Just a few more....
From Tangier Island....
Perhaps my favorite photo: "Help Yourself" Says a lot and implies even more.....
The oddest thing was the number of graves. Perhaps not the number so much as the seemingly ubiquitous locations. Behind, between,or just in spots in the yard....gravesites are everywhere on Tangier.
These are just some of the crab shack / processing stations around the island. Each waterman / family have their own.
This "airport" reminded me of the one I flew out of from "Blackall" Australia in the Queensland Outback. One airstrip, and the "airport director" also owned the local feed store. He shut the feed store down early one day a week when the planes came in. I was an honored guest.