Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Sunday, June 05, 2005
U.S. Challenged to Increase Aid to Africa
Unfortunately, Emperor Chimpy believes that increased aid to Africa "Doesn't fit our budgetary process".

While the United States is still the single largest donor, giving about a quarter of the total, it is next to last in the share of national income it gives - 16 cents of each $100. On average, major European nations give more than twice as much - 36 cents of each $100. And they plan to raise that level to 51 cents of $100 by 2010.

In Europe, the issue of African poverty has greater traction than in the United States because of its historical links to Africa as colonial powers, the clout of nonprofit groups like Oxfam, and the proximity of Africa, which makes the prospect of African poverty and social breakdown a security threat.
In other words, out of sight, out of mind for the US, where it's all too easy to let other nation's give more aid, while we spend billions on an unjustified war. Meanwhile, another genocide is occurring and no one is doing anything to stop it.
posted by Broadsheet @ 10:59 AM  
2 Editorial Opinions:
  • At June 05, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dude (figuratively speaking), if you're gonna dis POTUS, at least spell the dis right!

    Sorry, misspellings just make me go nukular . . . .

  • At June 06, 2005, Blogger Broadsheet said…

    Sorry - fixed now!

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