Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Sunday, March 06, 2005
Ides of March
I think the calendar is broken. (Although for you Latin geeks, today is Pridie Nonens as far as Ides go). It's nearly the second week of March and there are still tons of snow laying around and the temps are barely in the forties (although it is sunny today). There is a rumor that it may go as high as 60' later this week - we'll see.

I've gotta believe that with the Spring Equinox just 2 weeks away - this is the last gasp of winter weather for our region.

Mum and Dad left to go here for the month, and while not exactly tropical this time of year, it's only about 2 hours from here where it is certainly warmer (in many ways).

Sigh...Meanwhile, only 52 more days until I head here, where the weather is currently a balmy 65'. Although, I might cheat a little early and head here with a friend for a long weekend before then, just to shake off the snow and warm up a little.

UPDATE 4:15 pm: Well, I must have scared Mother Nature - cause it's all the way up to 55' right now!!! Maybe the end is here..... I've still got a respectable snow drift on my deck though, albeit much reduced from this morning.
posted by Broadsheet @ 12:07 PM  
1 Editorial Opinions:
  • At March 06, 2005, Blogger Malnurtured Snay said…

    Thanks Linda.

    See, your "last gasp" comment pissed the hell out of Mother Nature, and now we're going to get buried under six feet of snow next week.

    Everybody: say "Thanks, Linda."


    (Seriously? If we get six feet of snow, oooooh).

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