Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Sunday, March 20, 2005
Bush Changing Schedule to Return to Washington to Sign Emergency Legislation on Schiavo Case
Oh for the love of God. I would not want this man deciding whether or not I get to live or die if I were in this poor woman's situation. The president "dismissed any suggestion that there were any political considerations at work, either in the quick and aggressive congressional action or the president's hurried return to the White House."

I'm sorry - that's bullshit!! The very same president is the one who approved legislation allowing hospitals to withdraw life support from patients in a terminal vegetative state based on their ability to PAY!!

"A patient's inability to pay for medical care combined with a prognosis that renders further care futile are two reasons a hospital might suggest cutting off life support, the chief medical officer at St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital said Monday. "

And since Terry Schiavo's money is at the heart of the disagreement between her parents and her husband, this all just seems a bit too macabre to comprehend.

Will they pull her feeding tube again when the money runs out??

President Bush, you should be ashamed of yourself. (in general, but this time in particular)
posted by Broadsheet @ 8:44 AM  
2 Editorial Opinions:
  • At March 20, 2005, Blogger Unknown said…

    Hypocracy from our President! I am shocked! (Or, I would be if I weren't so used to it.)

  • At March 21, 2005, Blogger jwer said…

    I'd correct that to "hypocrisy" but defined as "rule by hypocrites" I find "hypocracy" much more apt.


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