Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Friday, March 18, 2005
And This Bird You Cannot Change
From the venerable Wall Street Journal no less. Damn, this brings back memories.....

I did my undergraduate studies at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, and spent a summer in Chicago, when I wasn't visiting friends there on weekends. I think fully 1/3 of the student population at UW Madison hailed from Shytown (or at least Evanston, Wheaton, or Oaklawn - close enough.)

A harsh reaction to "Freebird" came from the late comedian Bill Hicks during a Chicago gig in the early 1990s. On a bootleg recording of the show, Mr. Hicks at first just sounds irked. "Please stop yelling that," he says. "It's not funny, it's not clever -- it's stupid."

The comic soon works himself into a rage, but the "Freebirds" keep coming. "Freebird," he finally says wearily, then intones: "And in the beginning there was the Word -- 'Freebird.' And 'Freebird' would be yelled throughout the centuries. 'Freebird,' the mantra of the moron."

To understand the phenomenon, it also helps to be from Chicago. When asked why they continue to request "Freebird," Mr. Hicks's tormentors yell out "Kevin Matthews!"

Kevin Matthews is a Chicago radio personality who has exhorted his fans -- the KevHeads -- to yell "Freebird" for years, and claims to have originated the tradition in the 80s, when he says he hit upon it as a way to torment Florence Henderson of "Brady Bunch" fame, who was giving a concert. He figured somebody should yell something at her "to break up the monotony." The longtime Skynyrd fan settled on "Freebird," saying the epic song "just popped into my head."
Chicago radio in the 80's was a wonderful, wonderful thing, and yes, I can admit to being a KevHead.

I think more than the article itself, it's the impression that they went into great depth on the Matthews influence, up to and including the hilarious bit of tape where Elayne Boosler, mistakes the cries of 'Freebird' for 'Reverb? Reverb? You want more reverb?'.

The best way to do the Freebird call, is in a boring meeting when someone asks if there are any other questions. Then in your best imitation of the stapler guy from Office Space, say "Freebird? Can you play Freebird?"

Hmm, I think something gets lost in translation.

posted by Broadsheet @ 4:29 PM  
3 Editorial Opinions:
  • At March 18, 2005, Blogger Unknown said…

    I can just imagine what would happen if I yelled "Freebird" in an engineering meeting.

    A dozen looks of "What?"

  • At March 18, 2005, Blogger jwer said…

    The best ever response to Freebird is the one Isaac Brock gives on the live "Baron von Bullshit Rides Again" bootleg... I'd transcribe it, but the CD is allllll the way upstairs.

  • At June 17, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Thats the "lifes too short to play or even listen to freebird" one isn't it?

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