Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
You could die of a broken heart
Sigh..... I hesitate to post this NYT article right before Valentine's Day because I have more than one friend going through some really tough personal times right now, but perhaps it will let them understand that the physical pain they feel could be very real and related to what they are going through.

To be fully honest, I also post it of course, because the research was done by my colleague, Ilan, and it really is interesting, groundbreaking stuff.

There is some good news - it appears the effects are often temporary. But then, we've always known that about "heartbreak" - right?
posted by Broadsheet @ 8:23 PM  
1 Editorial Opinions:
  • At February 10, 2005, Blogger LadyLitBlitzin said…

    Wow, that's weird but I totally buy it. I have seriously thought for a long time that stress is just absolutely terrible for your physical health. It's interesting that people are coming around to realize that stress and those other negative emotions -- grief, shock, etc. -- aren't just "emotions" but can lead to real physical manifestations.

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