I am posting The Velvet Store exclusively for my sister, who, as an art history prof., keeps her tongue firmly planted in cheek with what has to be one of the largest private collections of black velvet paintings in the world hanging in her office at the Upstate NY Liberal Arts Univ. (UNYLA Univ.) where she teaches.
After all the highbrow culture and art we got to see this weekend - it's good to be reminded of the common man.....
TBP (The Bitter Professor) really needs to check out this guy. Googling "baltimore black velvet art" leads to more stories; he has some good stuff.
In a sometimes similar vein, we here at, er, me, also recommend yarddog.com, artspot of erstwhile Mekon, one time Leadsian and present-tense Chi-towner John Langford. There's some especially good punk embroidery here, for real.
That's it, I'm outta here...