Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Thursday, February 24, 2005
Don't Get Me Started - aka Kevin gets Drum_ed
A seemingly innocent question: So why ARE men better at playing the blogging game?? Judge for yourself

As Mark was kind enough to give honest criticism to me the other night regarding my Opinion posts......"You're too NICE".

Yeah, well, maybe others can take a lesson. Doesn't mean I don't have opinions, or that I'm afraid to express them, but perhaps if the gloves need to come off - that should happen off-line, and I think many bloggers miss that point. I'm a feminine voice in a gentleman's room. Would be nice if we could all act as "gentleman" when our ideas, views and comments are subject to wide public scrutiny. Often times, I feel like I'm a feminine voice in a jungle, not just a room, but it's still not as bad as this comparison!

What was he thinking??!! What was Slate thinking? This is one of the most strained, obtuse, irrelevant, references between rappers and ANYTHING that I have ever seen.

Josh Levin - I'm sorry you were the last guy on the assignment pole this week. It SO sucks to be you right now.

{Mark - was that last bit mean enough??!! I mean, if it's too harsh, I could tone it down I suppose. I mean, I don't have anything against Josh personally or anything, and I think he was forced to run with this story idea, but, I mean, REALLY, I can't overlook the silliness any longer. Sorry if that sounds harsh, OK?}

UPDATE: As usual Ann Althouse makes some really terrific points.
And, quite seriously, the real way to win at blogging is to create a place for yourself that you find energizing and intrinsically rewarding, which is probably going to be at odds with the goal of getting the most traffic and the most links. It's the readers that you get and keep by writing in a way that you find intrinsically valuable that matter the most, sort of like the way your best friends are the people who like you when you're being yourself. So those traffic and link rankings do not show who is really winning. You'll have to look into your own heart to find out if you're winning.
Yep, pretty much. "Nice" works too. :-)
posted by Broadsheet @ 10:08 PM  
1 Editorial Opinions:
  • At February 25, 2005, Blogger Broadsheet said…

    You must be exhausted. If it makes you feel any better, I was up and read your comments at 4:30 am....

    Points well taken sweetie - I was just yanking your chain. Don't ever confuse my bad sarcasm with snark. I don't do snark too well, and apparently I do sarcasm even worse. :-)

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