Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Sunday, June 22, 2008
One step forward, two steps back
This was the first free weekend I've had in more than a month, and the last three weeks have been flat out hectic with work and travel. As usual, with an entire weekend stretched out before me, I make a list of things to get done that is hopelessly optimistic.

This weekend was no different, and was compounded by the fact that my knee is acting up and was really painful. I took extra non narcotic pain killers yesterday, but today I had to resort to an ice pack and a Vicodin nap on the sofa when I got back from the grocery store. I think I need to call my orthopedic surgeon tomorrow and see if I can get another corticosteroid fix, and make an appointment to get a little arthroscopic surgery.

Things that got done:
- Unpacking from last week's trip to Portland.
- Laundry - not all of it though
- Clean up the kitchen, run the dishwasher
- Damp mopped the floors
- Picked up clutter and put things away
- Clean the litter boxes, empty trashcans for trash pickup tomorrow
- Grocery shopping - all I had in the fridge was condiments - literally.
- Dropped off the dry cleaning and picked up stuff to take to the cookout.
- Made an awesome mushroom bolognese sauce to pour over tagliatele pasta for dinner, and leftovers to freeze.
- Blogging, paid bills, caught up on correspondence, did some League work
- Attended a great BBQ party with some great friends.

Things that didn't get done:
- Deadheading the roses, weeding the garden, and cutting the grass
- Going to the gym (bad Broadsheet)
- Fixing the back gate. I bought the hardware, but never got to fixing it.
- Washing sheets and towels. Too many trips up and down the stairs for my knee to handle.
- Reseating the hard drive from the desktop computer and transferring files to the laptop.

So far, I only have two evening commitments this week - a crab feast on Wednesday, and our neighborhood Band Concert on Thursday, so hopefully, I'll get caught up in time for next weekend.....
posted by Broadsheet @ 8:29 PM  
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