Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Monday, February 18, 2008
Back to our regular programming....
I survived. Thanks for putting up with my whining.

It's actually pretty amazing how worrying about getting better so you can go on a great vacation is so much more restorative than worrying about going back to work.....

I survived, but I lost 4 days in a pile of kleenex, coffee mugs, dirty dishes, and lots of sick laundry along the way, and now I'm really behind.

You see, I signed up to finally get my open water PADI dive certification on this trip, and in order to start the lessons on Thursday morning (at 7:30!! - this is supposed to be vacation!) I have to complete a 10 hour online training course which I am about to start as soon as I post this. And to be honest, I'm not sure my sinuses are quite up to a 6 hour flight followed immediately by a 60 foot dive in the same 48 hour period just yet. My head will splode.

But - a bad day on vacation is still better than a good day at work - right? Remember when you were a kid, walking home from the last day of school with the entire summer stretched out before you like some endless possibility with utterly no responsibilities? It may only be 10 days - but yeah - it's like that, only grownups have a LOT more fun ;-)
posted by Broadsheet @ 1:17 PM  
1 Editorial Opinions:
  • At February 18, 2008, Blogger trigimper said…

    Of course it is right. Just rub it in that you are off to go diving and sit in the sun while we freeze our collective bottoms off.

    Have a great time.

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