Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Super Bowl Question
You know, it's halftime, and so far, the commercials have been pretty tame and lame compared to previous years, but it's kinda hard to tell since so many of the "commericals" are promos for CBS. Every single show they produce is being hyped to the nth degree ad nauseum. Annoying beyond belief.
Is it because they couldn't sell all their adtime for a mere $2.6 million for 30 seconds?
Whatever the reason - the ads are suffering as a result.
The cat picture in the previous post is six times better than anything the superbowl can offer.
Football season was over weeks ago anyhow. I'm stickin' with the cats for sure.