Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
2 down 7 to go
In the last 2 days, one of my cats, Peanut, has used up 2 of his nine lives. Sunday, he was chasing a moth in the house, and climbed the screen in the kitchen window to try and get at the moth on the ceiling. The $$$ NEW kitchen window. The CUSTOM screens for the $$$$ kitchen windows. The cat weighs a good 14 pounds. Peeled the screen right out of the @$%&%$@ frame.......

Peanut also has a fondness for pens and lipstick. He loves to knock them off the desk, dresser, or sink, and bat them around. I can never find a pen in the den or the kitchen when I need one unless I go looking in the corners and under the furniture. He'll even dig them out of my purse if I don't keep it out of his reach. Last night, he batted a lipstick off the sink in the powder room, that I had carelessly left there in a last minute touch up before rushing out the door to the theater on Sunday. Sadly, the cap was also off the lipstick and it was screwed open.

I now have big, bold, schmeers of 'Estee' Lauder Merlot' all over my hardwood floors and the hallway runner. Any ideas on getting it out??

posted by Broadsheet @ 8:45 AM  
5 Editorial Opinions:
  • At November 15, 2005, Blogger Malnurtured Snay said…

    A new floor ... ?

    Seriously, though, bleach'll do it.

  • At November 15, 2005, Blogger Zenchick said…

    good use of "schmeer", for a gentile :)
    I'd google it. Then again, I google everything.

  • At November 15, 2005, Blogger Broadsheet said…

    Snay - I can't use bleach on a hardwood floor! I need something that cuts grease. At least he didn't drag it upstairs onto my cream colored berber carpet.

    zenchick: Oy vay!

  • At November 15, 2005, Blogger Double Dogged said…

    Try Goo Gone sold at places like Home Depot. It will remove the lipstick. Just read the directions, it should be ok for your floors.

  • At November 17, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Let's see, a nice kitty fur dash mat? a dinner party and serve curried cat? If you use both, you could make yourself a cute kitty fur bolero-type vest (to go with the pants with the chalk hand print), or you could just freeze dry them, put them on the TV and not be plagued by action kitties!

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