Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Start Spreading the News.....
So....To help out my co-host and partner in crime, I am posting a shout out to the July Balto Blogger Happy Hour. Here are the details yo.
WHEN: Tuesday, July 26
WHERE:Nick's Fish House Some of you may remember it as the old Deadeye Saloon (yeah, yeah, I'm old - get over it.) All the info you could possibly need is on their website.
TIME: 5:30 - as long as it takes people to get drunk and hook up (although I think you folks have reached maximum coupling already). "What happens at Happy Hour - STAYS at Happy Hour." Unless of course, you know, you have a blog, and then, I mean, the whole world gets to know what you did on Tuesday night and who you did it with/to. OTHER DETAILS: Please e-mail myself or Zenchick so we have a rough idea of how many are coming and warn the restaurant. We will do our best to mark the location so that this tragedy never happens again.
Linda, Linda, have to watch ACW. He does this "I'm all feminist" thing. He's slick like that. (and ACW...yes, some of us *old* people DO in fact go to blogger happy hours :-) )
Just to reiterate: Linda is old.