Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Saturday, May 14, 2005
Survey says...
Well, I decided to risk getting out of bed today after yesterday's adventures. I''m about to go out back and use lawn and garden power tools - wish me luck.

In the meantime, I need to upgrade my piece of s* mobile phone at the end of the month. Given the vast variety of models and features out there, if you have a phone that you particularly like - tell me about it. Or, if your friend has a phone you've been lusting after - let me know that too (the phone, not the lust you feel towards your friend that is).

I currently have a terrific rate plan with Cingular through work, and I'm actually very happy with both Cingular service and cell coverage - no complaints.

Given my increasing reliance on my cell phone compared to my land line, I want to get a phone that will meet my needs over the next 2 years. Therefore, it needs to handle e-mail, txt messaging, and other basic features. I'm still not sold on the need for an integrated camera since I haven't been all that impressed with the quality of any digital phone pics, but it does look like a fun feature.

I think if I traveled more, or had a job which had me out of the office more, I'd make the move to a Blackberry, but they are too big, and I'm usually well within reach of a computer at home or work unless I'm on vacation, and then that's the last thing I really need isn't it?

Anyway - let me know what you think either in the comments or via e-mail.
posted by Broadsheet @ 9:42 AM  
4 Editorial Opinions:
  • At May 14, 2005, Blogger Malnurtured Snay said…

    You can always keep your old phone around, and use it as a blunt object if you ever need to bludgeon someone. :)

  • At May 14, 2005, Blogger jwer said…

    Or, alternatively, you can sell your worthless paperweight of an old phone at and feel good about the fact that they're recycling it...

  • At May 14, 2005, Blogger Zenchick said…

    or donate it to House Of Ruth, where they provide cell phones to battered women that only dial 911...

  • At May 16, 2005, Blogger jwer said…

    That's better, sure, but it doesn't get me $25...

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