Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Saturday, February 19, 2005
Guckert / Gannon sells out - again
This guy is unbelievable. Literally.
Five days after telling E&P that he was no longer speaking to the press because it was not helping him, former White House reporter James Guckert, a.k.a Jeff Gannon, said today that he had changed his mind and was seeking the right media outlet to tell his side of the story.

Asked this afternoon about reports that he was scheduled to appear on the Anderson Cooper's CNN show tonight, he denied it strongly. One hour later, a CNN spokesman told E&P, "He's taping it right now."
He sits down with E&P to "tell his side of the story", and proceeds to tell them absolutely nothing and lies to them about other appearances.
"There are a lot of people out there left hanging and bewildered by this," he told E&P. "I need to speak to a couple of issues. I need to talk about my relationship with the White House and whether I was a plant or not -- that needs to be brought out."

When asked to address those issues to E&P, Guckert declined. He also would not confirm or deny reports he had worked as a male prostitute, but said he would address those questions as well soon.
The transcript of the CNN interview with Anderson Cooper is here. The guy has absolutely nothing truthful or forthright to say. I could care less about his personal life, and I'm sure most people feel the same way, but this guy is a joke as a "journalist".

Watch this space - I'll bet he announces a book deal or ends up on a reality TV show any day now.

And lest anyone take any of this too seriously, Jon Stewart makes sure we keep it all in perspective.
posted by Broadsheet @ 8:05 AM  
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