Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Friday, March 17, 2006
The Incredible Mr. Limpet
For a second, I thought perhaps that Jackson, MI was the hometown of Don Knotts, and they were paying tribute to his recent passing. But no. Chicago had their cows, Baltimore had their fish and then there were last summer's crabs, but Jackson, Mississippi, is home to "catfish art".

Jackson Catfish 1

After getting in and getting lunch, the girls and I wondered around downtown checking out the courthouse, City Hall, and the State Capitol building. Jackson's a nice town. Small, but nice. Oddly, there wasn't a soul around. A beautiful, warm, spring Friday, and less than a handful of state employees walking around the park, and no sign of the few hundred crazy women we saw arriving at the airport with their tiarras, beads, and sparkly T-shirts partying like they were headed to Mardi Gras (that was 2 weeks ago ladies). Anyway, the hotel is lovely, the bar is set up, we're taking naps and getting ready to hit the town later on for the Sweet Potato Queen Ball this evening.
posted by Broadsheet @ 5:25 PM  
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