Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Saturday, October 08, 2005
The Russians are on their way to Dulles and a 3:30 flight to Frankfurt, before heading to Moscow and then on to wherever each of them came from: From Moscow, to the Urals, to Vladivostok. They should all be back home sometime either late tomorrow evening or Monday - well, maybe Tuesday for Sergei.

My house is trashed. I have a stack of thank you notes to write, laundry to do, a basement to clean up (see flood from Thursday's post), and a ton of other things to get caught up on. But I'm not doing one bit of it.

I'm off to Deep Creek Lake, and this house in particular, where for the last 10 years my entire family has gathered on Columbus Day weekend for four days of nothing more than hanging out and enjoying each others company. Leaf peeping, Scrabble, watching football, carving pumpkins, hiking (provided it ever stops raining), good food, and lots and lots of reading. I'm looking forward to my 12 year old niece kicking my butt in a game of chess, and helping Mom complete a 1,000 piece puzzle. Maybe we'll see some bears.

They've been there since yesterday, so I'm already late for the party.

I'll be back on Wednesday.....
posted by Broadsheet @ 11:51 AM  
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