Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. - Cyril Connolly
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Another Year Older and Deeper in Debt
Yep - pretty much.......

I spent all morning doing my taxes (finally). The refund was squandered weeks ago on new windows and counter tops. I'll try to celebrate the B-day later this week. I feel like a particularly old soul today. Maybe not old, so much as just really, really tired, and a little bit cranky. Had to work all day today in preparation for work tomorrow which begins with a big meeting at 7:00 AM and ends with another one at 7:00 PM. Working today was a welcome distraction from a lot of things, but it was really sad since it was SUCH a perfectly, lovely, warm and brilliant Spring day. I would have loved nothing more than to have met a friend for brunch at a cafe, and go for a long, long, walk in the sunshine and clear my very cluttered mind.....

It's really hard being an adult some days..... I was working in my den (with the new $$$ windows open), and the neighbors' kids were out playing in the courtyard. Jabbering away in Spanglish, they were just 3-5 years old, but were SO happy and giggling and free. I really, really envied them. Life is way too complicated. Why can't it just BE?

And yet, no matter how complicated things get, or how disappointed I become, I am reminded of how very, very lucky I am compared to a lot of people dealing with a lot more upsetting things and doing it with more strength, grace and dignity than I could ever imagine, let alone demonstrate.

So - bring on the next year. I hope to be in a very different place.
posted by Broadsheet @ 10:52 PM  
8 Editorial Opinions:
  • At April 10, 2005, Blogger Zenchick said…

    Okay, I may just be getting old myself but it wasn't clear to me exactly when your birthday is...
    but wishing you a year of joy, peace, health and happiness, whenever it begins! :-)

  • At April 10, 2005, Blogger Malnurtured Snay said…

    Thank you, Linda - now I don't feel like quite such a procrastinator! :)

  • At April 10, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes I just hate having responsibilities, and I feel resentful that I can't go out and enjoy myself every single day that I feel like it. But then I stop and wonder where to direct my resentment, since it's not like anyone has forced me to lead the life I live. It's not like I want to give up my adult life and be a child again, with other people making decisions for me. And it's like you said, there are many less fortunate people out there who also don't have the privilege of playing carefree out in the yard on a sunny spring day. So I really should be thankful for the responsibilities I have because they really are my freedom. But it can be hard to see that sometimes when you feel overburdened by the responsibilities you've taken on.

  • At April 11, 2005, Blogger Maktaaq said…

    You know what you do, Linda, if you want to be in a different place next year? You make plans to be in Venice by next April 30. I will be at the end of my Italian tour then. We can meet in a cafe on the Piazza San Marco (we'll recognize each other by our big Ascot-type hats), we'll order way overpriced espressos, tell each other about our Italian adventures between sips (because this will happen towards the end of your Italian adventure, too), and, once we've finished our coffees, we'll say goodbye and go back to our respective homes.

    (Happy birthday and I wish you joy in the year to come! Thank you for writing such an interesting blog!)

  • At April 11, 2005, Blogger jwer said…

    Happy 33rd!

  • At April 11, 2005, Blogger Broadsheet said…

    zenchick: it is today

    malnurtured: i have complicated finances, and oh, I'm lazy.

    seadragon: oh to be 5 years old with not a care in the world.

    maktaaq: how did you know that is my favorite spot on earth? I'll be there!

    jwer: you are my hero. thanks for humoring my drama Friday night. ouch, my head.

  • At April 11, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Um, hello, is there any cake left in this thread?

    Happy birthday, dear; t'wouldn't be me if I didn't completely forget such things now and then.

    Beer and a Yankees game Friday, perhaps?

    But hey, if you think Jwer "humored" your drama Friday night, then I gotta say: ya really DID have one too many!

    But at least you didn't injure the guy from the opening act, eh? :)

    Bad joke (in closing) for jwer: gee, we thought we went to see The Fiery Furnaces, but it was amazing how much L looked like Mark E Smith there at the end! Heh. Sorry ....

  • At April 11, 2005, Blogger Broadsheet said…

    Ouch!! Kick a girl while she's down and disabled will ya?? (and yes - I would have yanked that one chord wonder right off the stage given a chance. I play guitar better than that - and that's an insult to him!)

    You've only asked, and I've only reminded you a 1/2 dozen times when the B-day was in the last week or two - and given our history - you have therefor officially effed up. If you can score Yankees tix -you're on!!

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